2D vs 3D Art

2D Art: having the dimensions of height and width only. (of a work of art) having its elements organized

in terms of a flat surface, esp. emphasizing the vertical and horizontal character of the picture


3D Art: having, or seeming to have, the dimension of depth as well as width and height.


Answer the following questions in a Google doc.

  1. What are found object sculptures made of?

  2. What is a sculpture with a flat back and can hang on a wall called?

  3. Name 2 3D artforms.

  4. What is the main difference between 2D and 3D artforms?

  5. What is kinetic art?

  6. What type of form is 3D art?

  7. What are the measurements of 2D art?

  8. Define a relief sculpture.

  9. What type of form is a painting of a relief sculpture?

  10. Name a famous 3D artist we have studied.